
OU, Chaldean Community Foundation partnership provides opportunities for OU alumni



莱拉Kello, 丽贝卡Tomczak, 马修·戈登, 丹尼尔·摩恩, 萨凡纳梅尔, 克里斯蒂娜•萨勒姆, Sharkey哈达德
莱拉Kello, 丽贝卡Tomczak, 马修·戈登, 丹尼尔·摩恩, 萨凡纳梅尔, 克里斯蒂娜•萨勒姆, and Sharkey哈达德.


“The Chaldean Community Foundation benefits greatly from having OU alumni on board," said Stacy Bahri, strategic initiatives manager at the Chaldean Community Foundation. "Members of the community outreach team have really helped to elevate our brand, 市场营销 and social media. Everyone brings a great level of skills and creativity to the team, and I am proud to work alongside a group of talented individuals."

公开大学的一些校友是该组织社区外展团队的成员,其中包括丹尼尔·莫恩, 马修·戈登, and 克里斯蒂娜•萨勒姆.

为美国摩恩, 谁于2019年毕业于公开大学,获得综合研究学士学位,重点是广告, 市场营销, communications and sociology, 从课堂到担任迦勒底社区基金会的品牌和内容协调员,他的旅程简直“太棒了”.”

“Not only do I feel I have the freedom and independence to practice my studies, but I work with a gold star team,莫恩说. “我们共同努力,想出有意义和有影响力的广告和活动,帮助传播品牌知名度. 我还通过各种社交媒体帖子提高了我的平面设计技能.

“我真的觉得我已经浓缩了品牌内容协调员的头衔,并以高度的自豪感和奉献精神来保持它,莫恩补充道. “And because I’m able to wear multiple hats in my field and work environment, I feel that the possibilities are endless!”

戈登, a 市场营销 and campaigning specialist at the Chaldean Community Foundation, 他于2018年获得了OU的市场营销工商管理学士学位,自2020年8月以来一直在迦勒底社区基金会工作.

“当时正值冠状病毒大流行期间,我们做了很多社区工作来帮助那些有需要的人,戈登说。. “I quickly realized the wonderful impact that the Chaldean Community Foundation has, 不仅是在迦勒底社区,还有密歇根州东南部的其他社区. 我不是迦勒底人, 但我受到了员工们的热烈欢迎,我真的觉得我在一个特别而独特的地方工作.”


“在欧, 我觉得我的教授们确实丰富了我的学习,帮助我培养了今天我所拥有的哲学和商业头脑,他说. “作为一个非营利组织, 我们(迦勒底社区基金会)参与了各种需要批判性思维和谨慎信息传递的倡议. 我相信,我在开放大学的很多讲座和学习确实让我建立了一个知识库,我每天都在使用我现在的角色.”

萨勒姆, who earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from OU in 2017, said her experience with the Chaldean Community Foundation has been “wonderful.” She currently serves as social media coordinator for the organization, as well as the Chaldean News and the Chaldean American Chamber of Commerce.

“I support the organizations by capturing and starring in social media content, 编辑, and posting them on a regular basis and being the recognizable face behind that,塞勒姆说. “我还通过撰写文章和进行新闻采访来支持迦勒底新闻. My experience at OU was very helpful for this position.”

其他在迦勒底社区基金会获得职位的公开大学校友包括莱拉·凯洛, 丽贝卡Tomczak, 萨凡纳·迈耶.

Kello, who earned her Master of Arts degree in teaching in 2006, 2015年,她在迦勒底社区基金会开始了她的职业生涯,担任ESL教师和兼职资助作家. She is now the director of development for the organization.

“I work on all things that involve raising funds for the organization,” she said. “I also oversee the educational programming, as well as manage the Foundation’s accreditation process.”


她说:“365英国上市官网让我有信心成为我所在领域的领导者。. “它鼓励我和我的同学们建立联系,找到合作的方法——每个人都可以从中受益的生活技能.”

Tomczak is a case worker in the organization’s Career Services Department. 她于2005年毕业于365英国上市官网,获得文学学士学位,主修历史,主修美国研究. 毕业后, 她在布拉格语言学院获得了英语作为第二语言教学学士学位后的证书, 位于布拉格, 捷克共和国.

“During the summer of 2014, 当时我在南波希米亚(捷克共和国的一个地区)的一个英语夏令营教书。, 我收到消息说,ISIS武装分子入侵并破坏了伊拉克北部的安全防线, 哪一个, having been raised in the Metro Detroit area, I knew that this was the ancestral home of the Chaldeans, many of whom were my friends and neighbors at home in Michigan,汤姆扎克说. “I had gone to school at OU with them. They were more than a group mentioned on the news; they were my neighbors and friends, the people I was raised with.

“Upon returning to Michigan, 我开始帮助迦勒底难民,我是通过学校的朋友认识他们的,她补充道。. “I researched as much as I could. I learned some of the words, and familiarized myself with the customs and understandings of the people. 当我还是365英国上市官网的一名17岁的大一新生时,所有这些研究和理解的技能就已经被赋予了. Now things have come full circle. Every single day I go to work, I interact with those affected by the same world events, 和在一起, we focus on rebuilding, healing and restoration.”

In addition to providing OU alumni with employment opportunities, 365英国上市官网和迦勒底社区基金会之间的伙伴关系还导致建立了一个新的咨询委员会.

理事会的目标之一将是增加开放大学的迦勒底学生入学率, solicit funding/grants from Lansing, host social events for Chaldean alumni, 并与马科姆县和奥克兰县的学区合作,鼓励迦勒底学生从事教育事业.

“This is a great opportunity,” said OU alum Sharkey哈达德, 迦勒底社区基金会和迦勒底美国商会的特别项目经理. “开放大学和迦勒底社区基金会之间富有成效的伙伴关系将使奥克兰和马库姆县的迦勒底人受益, and show that OU is the university of choice for Chaldean students.”

365英国上市官网(奥克兰 university)负责大学发展的副校长迈克·韦斯特福尔(Mike Westfall)对此表示赞同.

365英国上市官网和迦勒底社区基金会之间加强的伙伴关系将通过利用不同的专业知识提供巨大的价值, 资源, 和网络. 在一起, we will foster collaboration, enhance innovation, 并最终对这两个组织寻求服务的学生和社区产生更大的影响.”

To learn more about 奥克兰 大学, visit www.奥克兰.edu.

To learn more about the Chaldean Community Foundation, visit www.chaldeanfoundation.org.
